André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

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  5. Women have a way...

Songtext "Women have a way with a fool"

Strophe 1:

Fellas, the fix is in
Woman had the upper hand since the time of original sin
God gave men the muscle, He gave women all the brains
But, you got to hustle just to keep yourself in the game

Girls, we beg your pardon if we play it cool
Women have a way with a fool

Strophe 2:

Ladies, don’t deal us out
We’re all tryin’ to protect ourself, that’s all I’m talkin’ about

Somedays you’re the windshield, somedays you’re the fly
We all gotta watch our backsides if we’re gonna give love a try

Fellas don’t forget it, they’ll take you back to school, ‘cause
Women have a way, women have a way with a fool
Yeah, women have a way with a fool


Strophe 3:

Fellas, don’t get me wrong
There’s a lot of good women in the world out there
And I know you’re gonna find you one

Just don’t get to messin’ or you’ll feel the woman’s scorn
Might get you a lesson, make you wish you was never born

Do just like you wanna but don’t break that golden rule
‘Cause women have a way, women have a way
Women have a way with a fool
Ya, women have a way with a fool


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