André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

  1. Startseite
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  3. Songs
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  5. Whole lotta Rosie

Songtext "Whole lotta Rosie"

Wanna tell you story
About woman I know
When it comes to lovin’
Ha – She steals the show
She ain’t exactly pretty
Ain’t exactly small
Fourtytwo thirtynine fiftysix
You could say she’s got it all

Never had a woman
Never had a woman like you
Doin’ all the things
Doin’ all the things that you do
Ain’t no fairy story
Ain’t no skin and bones
Giving all you got
Weighin’ in at nineteen stone

You’re a whole lotta woman
A whole lotta woman
You’re a whole lotta Rosie
A whole lotta Rosie
A whole lotta Rosie
And you’re a whole lotta woman

All that you can do
Do it to me all night long
All you wanna do
Oh you really turn me on
All through the night time
All around the clock
Lord have mercy
Don‘t you ever stop

She’s a whole lotta woman
A whole lotta woman
She’s a whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
And a whole lotta love


She’s a whole lotta woman
A whole lotta woman
She’s a whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
Whole lotta Rosie
And a whole lotta love

  • Whole lotta Rosie Preview file from 00:12 to 01:35 (Proberaumaufnahme) 00:00

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