André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

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  3. Songs
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  5. Things I’d do for...

Songtext "Things I'd do for you"

Strophe 1:

For you sweet mama I would go into jail
They could treat me like a monkey and I’d swing me my tail
There is nothing (oh nothing), that I wouldn’t do for you
Oh baby there’s no end to the things that I would do.

Strophe 2:

I work 24 hours of a day for you
If there were any more, I’d work them too
There is nothing (oh nothing), that I wouldn’t do for you
Oh baby there’s no end to the things that I would do.

Strophe 3:

I fight with a tiger and wrestle with a lion
If it makes you happy, if it makes you mine
There is nothing (oh nothing), that I wouldn’t do for you
Oh baby there’s no end to the things that I would do.

Strophe 4:

I crawl across the country on my hands and my knees
To see you agree me with a hog and a squeeze
There is nothing (oh nothing), that I wouldn’t do for you
Oh baby there’s no end to the things that I would do.

  • Things I'd do for you, Proberaumaufnahme Preview file from 00:25 to 01:41 00:00

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