Songtext "Take it back"
Come on, baby
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Take it back, what you have said?
You can’t dry the tears I shed
Take it on, take it out
Don’t make me rage
huh, don’t make me shout
You’ve been taking all that’s mine
Baby, you know it’s time
I want you gone, gone, gone
Out of my mind,
out of my mind
Take it in, all that you lost
You just left me, double-crossed
Take it home, I’ll watch you go
Take it to that so and so
You’ve been taking all that’s mine
Baby, you know it’s time
I want you gone, gone, gone
Out of my mind,
out of my mind
Come, believe it
Take it back, oh, would you please?
Take it up with the authorities
Take it straight, but take it now
Pack it tight, little girl, I’ll show you how
You’ve been taking all that’s mine
Baby, I know it’s time
I want you gone, gone, gone
Out of my mind,
out of my mind
Take your turn, from bad to worse
Take your coat, take your purse
Take those lies you had in store
‘Cause I can’t take you no more
You’ve been taking all that’s mine
Baby, you know it’s time
I want you gone, gone, gone
Out of my mind,
out of my mind
Yeah, take back
Take it back, baby
Take it
Take your time, baby
Take it out
Take if off
Take to
Get it outta here
God, it’s true
I had enough
I had enough
I had enough
Enough is enough
Take it out
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