André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

  1. Startseite
  2. /
  3. Songs
  4. /
  5. Rhythm of the day

Songtext "Rhythm of the day"

Strophe 1:
When I wake up in the morning, and I look around the room
I’m looking for my clothes and I’m looking for my shoes
I drink a little cup of coffee and I want to smoke a cigarette
I am too tired for work I want to go in my bed

Strophe 2:
I am looking at my bed , and I am looking at my clock
Oh, what a fucking Monday, and I am tired like a dog.
Friday night a Party, Saturday I go out to play
Sunday morning I ‘ll go to church to meet the Lord on my way

Strophe 3:
I believe I am not in love with my heart and soul
So I must hear the bluesmusic and listen to the Rock n roll
I try to get the best things even in my eyes
To live in peace and harmony for the fucking rest of my life

Sometimes I want to fly away in the rhythm of the day
In my dreams there is no way back home
Do you know what I feel
Do you know what I …


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