Songtext "Nobody knows you when you're down and out"
Once I lived the life of a millionaire,
Spending my money like I just don’t care.
Took all my friends out for a merry good time,
Drinking bootleg Whisky, champagne and wine.
Then I began to fall so low,
Lost all my money, had nowhere to go.
If I ever get my hands on a dollar bill again,
I’m gonna hold on to it till that eagle grins.
Nobody knows you
When you’re down and out.
In your pocket, not anymore penny,
And as for friends, you don’t have any.
When you finally get back up on your feet again,
Everybody wants to be your long-lost friend.
Said it’s mighty strange, what I’m talking about,
Nobody knows you when you’re down and out.
Solo Guitar
When you finally get back up on your feet again,
Everybody wants to be your long-lost friend.
Said it’s mighty strange, and there ain’t no doubt,
Nobody knows you,
Nobody knows you,
Nobody knows you when you’re down and out.
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