André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

  1. Startseite
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  3. Songs
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  5. Lady in love

Songtext "Lady in love"

Strophe 1:
I can tell about a story
of a sexy tricky girl
She always looks into the mirror,
her eyes are true, like golden pearls
when I’m looking out my window,
I see my Lady in Love

Strophe 2:
Day and Night I see her face,
anytime I smell her hair
Oh,..I like this kind of Woman,
she makes me crazy everywhere
when I’m looking out my window,
I see my Lady in Love

In the Night she looks like Venus,
and in the morning like a sphinx
I never can forget the moment,
when she opens up her wings
She’s like a ghost, she’s like a gunner
and my head goes around and around and around she’s my lady in love


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