André R. Kohl

André R. Kohl

Vocals, Gitarre
Ralf Bernschein

Ralf Bernschein

Gitarre, Vocals
Dirk Dey

Dirk Dey

Thomas Fleischer

Thomas Fleischer

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  3. Songs
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  5. For you my love

Songtext "For you my love"

Strophe 1:
For you my love I‘d do most everything
For you my love I‘d do most everything
I love you baby and I hope you do the same

Strophe 2:
For you my love I‘d swim the ocean blue
For you my love I‘d swim the ocean blue
There’s nothin‘ in the world that I wouldn’t do for you

Break 1:
I get you go out tonight and celebrate
I got a problem but for you it just want wait
For you my love I’d do most everything
But I love you baby I hope you feel the same

Break 2:
Can make me drink, make me dream
Change my drink from milk to cream
Say good-bye to all the mob,
I aimed and went out and got a job
For you my love I’d do most everything
Yeah, I love you baby and I hope you do the same

Break 3:
Can make me crude outstanding too
Even romance me when I’m out of mood
Made me wait by Golden Gate
All in the cause of the very first date
Your lullaby was criticize
Even laughed when I stole a little cry
Must confess that you can guess
That in my life‘s just one big mess
For you my love I’d do most everything
Yeah, I love you baby and I hope you do the same

Strophe 3:
For you my love, I give you all my love
For you my love, I give you all my love
I love you baby and I hope you feel the same


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